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Mental Health Checkpoint | Somatic Therapy | Mental Health Tips From a Therapist

Hey there, is this an okay time for a check-in? Life moves fast, and things feel uncertain right now. Between work, relationships, and everyday responsibilities, it can be overwhelming to know how to support your mental health. Many of us are coping with distractions or things that don’t feel like the best for us. Consider this a gentle checkpoint—a way to see where you’re at mentally and gauge if support is needed!

Your Mental Health Checkpoint

Take a deep breath and go through these quick questions. It is okay to not know and okay to stop if these questions feel overwhelming.

  1. How am I feeling today? (Physically, emotionally, and mentally)
  2. Is there anything I am noticing in my body? 
  3. Have I been eating, sleeping, and moving my body in ways that make me feel good?
  4. Am I speaking to myself with kindness, or do I need to adjust my self-talk?

If any of these questions made you pause, that’s okay! Awareness is the first step toward making a change. Is there anything that could make this moment 1% better right now?

Perhaps an outdoor break, a call with a friend, or a quick moment to drop your shoulders and relax your jaw. In moments of overwhelm, you can try mindfulness tools like grounding exercises to drop into the present moment if it feels safe to do so.

A woman with dark hair, wearing a white sweater and black pants and dark glasses, sits on her couch writing in her notebook.

Mindfulness Reset: The 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Exercise

This quick and simple exercise can help you feel more present and calm. Wherever you are, take a moment to pause and engage your senses. Bonus points if you can get as detailed and descriptive as possible while you notice. 

An Asian woman laughs while doing a yoga pose, while a young Asian child playfully hugs her back.
  1. Look around and name five things you can see.
  2. Touch four things around you (a furry friend, a piece of clothing, something cold, etc.).
  3. Listen for three sounds (a fan, birds, your own breathing).
  4. Smell two things (your tea, fresh air, a candle).
  5. Taste one thing (gum, coffee, or just the lingering taste in your mouth).

This exercise helps ground you in the present moment, making it easier to shift back into our window of tolerance (Link other blog post)

Take this with you!

After checking in with yourself, what is one thing you would like to carry with you as you enter the rest of your day, week, year? Perhaps an affirmation like the ones below or a word that resonates with you in this moment.  

  • I am worthy of love and kindness.
  • I choose to focus on what I can control and let go of what I can’t.
  • My feelings are valid, and I honor them without judgment.
  • I am growing and learning every day.
  • I deserve rest, joy, and inner peace.
  • I am enough, just as I am.
  • It is okay to be in-progress.

Your Next Step

Taking care of your mental health doesn’t have to be a chore—it can be as simple as checking in with yourself and doing small things that make you feel good. So, what’s one thing you can do for yourself today? Maybe it’s a walk outside, calling a friend, journaling, or simply resting without guilt. Whatever it is, you deserve it!

A woman with long dark hair sits cross-legged on a wooden bench, practicing mindfulness meditation. A forest scenery is behind her.

About the Author

Sage Swiatek, ACSW  is a somatic therapist at Stella Nova Psychology, specializing in trauma. She helps clients navigate PTSD, chronic pain, stress, and anxiety. Many of her clients are queer, disabled, non-monogamous, or women in STEM. With specialized experience in supporting survivors of sexual and interpersonal violence, she provides compassionate and tailored care.

If you’re interested in connecting with Sage, or any of the therapists at Stella Nova, we’re excited to speak with you! Reach out to schedule a free, 20-minute phone consultation to get started today.

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