On Heartbreak: Navigating Ambiguous Loss, Leaning Into Grief, and Finding Comfort in Creativity
Heartbreak mirrors the grief experienced by death in many ways, and it also has some important differences. In the aftermath of a breakup, it’s important to allow ourselves space to grieve and to accept the dizzying array of emotions that follow. You can’t simply pack them away in a shoebox with your lover’s belongings.
What is Premarital Counseling and Who Does it Help?
Just as individual therapy can be part of your personal growth and self-care routine, premarital counseling can be a safe space for learning new partnership skills, navigating transitions, and improving your relationship health.
Why “Feeling Your Feelings” Actually Matters
Feelings can be useful data points that allow one to understand how something is impacting a person. They are our road map to understanding ourselves and our world. And yet, it can be quite difficult to allow ourselves to “sit in a feeling”. Learning how to experience your emotions, instead of hiding from them, is important for improving relationships and understanding yourself.
Real Talk About Impostor Syndrome (and 5 Ways to Cope)
Impostor syndrome, as it’s commonly known, refers to the experience of feeling inadequate or like a fraud, despite your achievements. This is a common phenomenon that up to 70% of people will experience in their lifetime.
Navigating Difficult Workplace Dynamics
Dominated by what we’ve come to know as hustle culture, American workplaces often consist of high pressure environments, excessive work hours, and unclear or creeping job roles, and the pressure to be self-sufficient and prove your worth through productivity and material gains.
Ask a Couple Therapist: How Do I Build Healthy Relationship Habits?
The most important effort we put into our relationships are the small things we do on a day-to-day basis. Communicating care and affection. Making space for each other’s needs. Spending time enjoying each other’s company.
5 Key Benefits of Group Therapy for Your Mental Health
Group therapy can help you gain insight from people who have dealt with similar situations and can help to remind you that you’re not alone. Hearing other people talk about going through something that you’ve gone through can help lessen the stigma around your experience.
Unlinking Self Worth from Productivity
Self worth is our view on ourselves and how we do or don’t see ourselves as worthy of love, kindness, respect and rest, like anyone else. But it can be hard to connect to. People often find the easiest way to feel any sort of worth in themselves is to be impressively productive.
Beyond “No Is a Complete Sentence”: Setting Boundaries Skillfully for Healthy Relationships
No is a complete sentence. But it’s not the only way, the “best” way, or the “right” way to set a boundary. We need different approaches to setting boundaries in different situations because there is no “one size fits all” solution for relationships.
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